Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So, I decided to go for the BBQ on the birthday......gosh darnit. I just invited people and then told Joe....hey, were having a BBQ. It's about time.....usually there's every excuse in the book not to have people over, but I'm not ashamed of my house, life, or family so dally nobbins....I wanna have a BBQ! And I'm not cleaning my hose for it lol, or weeding.....and there are weeds in the gravel by the road......MUAHAHAHA.......So now I've been busy, mostly milling about but busy with that. I can't do much of anything til tomorrow anyway.....so I pulled out everything that could possibly be eaten, from the fridge that is, for dinner and snack, went grocery shopping and such....Walmart sells silverware in four packs!!!!! I was so excited because I'm one of those freaks who likes to use real dishes and usually cheap silverware comes with all the miscellaneous spoons and what not....and I just want forks and knives. So woohoo. woo. Went and reserved chairs, scoped out cakes, got the extra dishes from my Mom's house, figured out tables and counted people. We invited 71 and 46 have said they'd come so woohoo. I can't wait til I can start setting up tomorrow...ooh ohh ooh ooh ooh....I have a project. Joe is sleeping but he WILL marinade tonight, and yes I will cause a ruckus over it because if he doesn't I will do it and I don't know much about island marinade. So there. My favorite saying is "lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine". I love that. It's so true. I'm kind of hoping for overcast but not raining tomorrow because our front yard gets the last heat of the day and can be quite broilolicious. I want to get one of those offset umbrellas for the front patio because I love it out there but it just gets too sunny. I want to take the dogs to one of those self service dog washing places but then I think...."is that silly?" I do have a bathtub.....but for some reason I really hate doing it in there ...... and as we all know.....if it isn't fun it won't get done. Also a moment on the lips forever on the hips.....but that's another story. Soooo......I really need to feed the kids but they once again are having a blast outside and I hate to call them in. That's gotta be the one biggest pro to summer vacation is that everything gets pushed a little later. They can play til whenever and there's no real rush to get them to bed. HA!!!!! I just had a thought. I should give Joe 6 lavendar plants for his birthday. heehee. Do I dare? It would be interesting. hmmmm......OK no. Good sense prevails this time. I guess I should go haul the kids in. bye.

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