A gloriously okay wasted day
Current mood:
After yesterday, today was pretty damn nice……didn't do squat, my poor lawn. This morning, in the interest of myself, I called my in-laws and asked if they could take the boys today, then if they could keep them for a few days. I never do that. No reason, just take them for a bit. So the boys are gone til Friday…….it's only Tuesday. OMG. Oooops…it's not even Tuesday, it's only Monday. I dropped them off at 4 this afternoon and the only reason I'll get them back any sooner than Friday is because Joe comes in earlier than expected. So after losing the boys I took the girls to Thompsons because they never get to go, it's always the boys that go. The girls got strawberry lemonade with dinner AND a milkshake after and all was so nice and calm except the part where Katie couldn't have the ketchup anywhere near the spot some offensive pickles (that I rescued her from) were sitting so she tried to put it up on the edge of the paper dealie in the plate and not only did the paper cave and dump but the ketchup bottle splooted at the same time. So that was fun.
The whole house just seems quieter without the wee ones. Even though they'd be sleeping by now anyway, maybe the house just resonates for awhile with all the chaos. Whatever it is, it's nice. A vacation before the storm. OH…..guess what? Guns N Roses accepted me as a friend!!!!! They don't have the song I wanted up though dammit. You know I have a few of their CDs I've gathered over the years and every single one is missing. Not the cases, just the cds. I'm wondering if we had a GNR fan babysitter back when I was working. We did have the babysitter who had her boyfriend over the night the little boat motor disappeared….hmmmmm. Then there're the sisters who installed crap on our computer…..hmmmmm. So I guess one could have swiped Guns N Roses cds. I don't really care but for a few songs. Mainly the yellow Use Your Illusion. Guess I could just buy another one.
Dang life is dull when it's calm. Nothing much has happened except Stan tried to eat a Styrofoam boat (pay no attention Rachel) and got those white styro beads all over his face. Oh oh oh….let's see…..there has to be something……..I need to pay bills tomorrow…….and get serious about the lawn issue I guess. Geesh even my calendar has nothing on it. But that's just because I haven't written stuff on it yet so hell, maybe I'm missing out on a bunch of stuff. As strange as it's going to be, Joe needs to get home so life can get moving again in some direction I'm getting tired of treading water. I think I'll finish with some poetry…..
There once was a horny old turd called Mo
Who had a cousin named Jo
They started to pace
Then moved on to race
To see who could land the first Ho.
Ho ho ho….and on that note I bid to you a good night……..
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