Saturday, May 7, 2011

A New Computer

Hi y'all.......I don't have a new computer.  I know someone who just got one.....but it wasn't me.  I guess Bob Stanton also got a new compter.  Here's what he has to say.

Guest post written by Bob Stanton
The other day I finally purchased a new desktop computer. My wife and I had an old computer from many years ago that just remained in the corner of the living room, collecting dust. Our new computer is incredible, and it's given us a chance to become a little more connected with the world. It seems like a great many things revolve around the internet today, so it's great to be on the same level. My wife has enjoyed it for finding recipes, new books, and coupons for shopping trips.
I've used it for a variety of things, including online games. I can't believe the graphics on these new computers. Additionally, my speakers are so crisp in sound that I don't even need my new hearing aids from It's a fantastic entertainment experience! When things get a little quiet around the house, I can now use the computer to enjoy a game or find information on any subject that piques my interest. This laptop is definitely one of the better investments I've made in quite some time. It looks like we are both going to get a lot of use out of it.

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